September 16, 2024
Latest Eyewear Fashion Trends

What eyeglasses may tell the world about you.

3 min read January 13, 2020 Ashley Miller

Eyeglasses are not a simple thing at all. They can reveal the truth about you to others and to yourself, the truth which you maybe avoid seeing or would like to hide from anybody. So, first of all, why do we need eyeglasses? They’re a vision correction helper as well as the accessory for expression of our style and individuality. 

There are several important messages which people get, looking into your eyes behind the glasses. Eyeglasses make some hints about your self-esteem and confidence. If you wear unmatched glasses, which do not suit you, which are too big or small or maybe they look untidy and absolutely out of style, this means that you don’t really care about yourself, you spit on your appearance which makes others think that most probably you don’t accept yourself as individuality, or you are too lazy to worry about this which can be a signal that you’re not inspired and maybe even have some psychological problems. Surely your carelessness may be a part of your artistic nature or just a disregard of social norms, but commonly this fact rarely gives you points as our success and happiness mostly depends on our possibility to develop good relationships with other people, with possibility to find our particular niche in social life. And on the contrary, if your eyeglasses are a perfect fit or just look good and tidy this is a good sign for your surroundings that you care about yourself, about your appearance and about first impression you make.

Eyeglasses can tell people something about your lifestyle, activity and interests. Here are some suppositions about people’s inner motives to select that or those pair of eyeglasses. But isn’t it seem to be true? People who wear mirrored Aviators most likely hide something deep inside, they have some secrets and won’t reveal them to everybody too easy. They are strong, confident and very pleased with themselves, they won’t refuse to try their luck on occasion. Women in Cat-eye glasses are usually very playful, smart, coquettish and pretty feminine. They are sure in their charming and flirt with pleasure, showing their ladylike nature in breathtaking fashionable clothes combining them with stylish accessories. Round frames wearers are generally poetic, intelligent and smart. They are thinkers by nature, being a little bit quirky they appreciate history, art and vintage things. Those who select Clubmasters want to demonstrate how bold and strong they are. They are stylish and serious, they are well-rounded persons and know what they want and how to get this. Frames of different colors, especially bright, tell about artistic character of a wearer, who’s usually bright, spontaneous, ready for experiments and is not afraid to show off what he or she has got.

Tortoiseshell Glasses express elegance of a person, who by no means is an ordinary individuality, but an independent and creative thinker with distinctive individual taste for vintage and art. Tiny glasses are discovered on people who avoid monotony, that can do various eccentric things for fun to amuse themselves and others. To round off the story let me say that you can discover something about yourself just looking at eyeglasses you choose, bear in mind the above mentioned when you meet somebody with glasses on your way and remember that first impression is always the rightest.