Cartier Sunglasses for Men

Cartier Sunglasses for Men



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Showing 1 - 24 of 98 Products
Cartier™ - CT0330S Signature C de Cartier
Cartier™ - CT0330S Signature C de Cartier
Gold Signature C de Cartier
Silver Signature C de Cartier
Gold Signature C de Cartier
Silver Signature C de Cartier
Gold Signature C de Cartier
Gold Signature C de Cartier
Gold Signature C de Cartier
+ 3
7 Colors
Top Rated
$1,245.00 - $1,295.00
Rating (2)
Cartier™ - CT0227S Décor C
Cartier™ - CT0227S Décor C
Silver/Black Décor C
Silver/Blue Décor C
Silver/Black Décor C
Gold/Havana Décor C
4 Colors
Cartier™ - CT0227S Décor C
$1,245.00 - $1,295.00
$1,245.00 - $1,295.00
Rating (0)
Cartier™ - CT0011RS Signature C de Cartier
Cartier™ - CT0011RS Signature C de Cartier
Gold Signature C de Cartier
Silver Signature C de Cartier
2 Colors
Cartier™ - CT0270S Première De Cartier
Cartier™ - CT0270S Première De Cartier
Gold Première De Cartier
Gold Première De Cartier
Silver Première De Cartier
Gold Première De Cartier
Gold Première De Cartier
+ 1
5 Colors
$1,295.00 - $1,345.00
Rating (0)
Cartier™ - CT0194S Santos de Cartier
Cartier™ - CT0194S Santos de Cartier
Gold Santos de Cartier
Gold Santos de Cartier
Silver Santos de Cartier
3 Colors
Rating (0)
Cartier™ - CT0012RS Signature C de Cartier
Cartier™ - CT0012RS Signature C de Cartier
Gold Signature C de Cartier
1 Color
Cartier™ - CT0012S Première De Cartier
Cartier™ - CT0012S Première De Cartier
Gold/Havana Première De Cartier
Gold/Black Première De Cartier
Gunmetal/Black Première de Cartier
Gold/Black Première de Cartier
4 Colors
Cartier™ - CT0013RS C Décor
Cartier™ - CT0013RS C Décor
Gold/Brown C Décor
1 Color
Rating (0)
Cartier™ - CT0014RS C Décor
Cartier™ - CT0014RS C Décor
Gold/Brown C Décor
1 Color
Rating (0)
Cartier™ - CT0015S Première De Cartier
Cartier™ - CT0015S Première De Cartier
Gunmetal Première De Cartier
Gunmetal Première de Cartier
Gunmetal Première de Cartier
Gold Première de Cartier
4 Colors
Cartier™ - CT0017RS Signature C de Cartier
Cartier™ - CT0017RS Signature C de Cartier
Gold/White Signature C de Cartier
1 Color
Cartier™ - CT0019RS C Décor
Cartier™ - CT0019RS C Décor
Silver/White C Décor
1 Color
Rating (0)
Cartier™ - CT0020RS C Décor
Cartier™ - CT0020RS C Décor
Gold/Black C Décor
1 Color
Rating (0)
Cartier™ - CT0021RS C Décor
Cartier™ - CT0021RS C Décor
Gold/Black C Décor
1 Color
Rating (0)
Cartier™ - CT0024RS C Décor
Cartier™ - CT0024RS C Décor
Silver/Black C Décor
1 Color
Rating (0)
Cartier™ - CT0034S Santos De Cartier
Cartier™ - CT0034S Santos De Cartier
Gunmetal Santos De Cartier
Gold Santos de Cartier
Silver Santos de Cartier
Gold Santos de Cartier
Silver/Havana Santos de Cartier
Gold/Havana Santos de Cartier
Gold Santos de Cartier
Gunmetal Santos de Cartier
Silver Santos de Cartier
+ 8
12 Colors
$1,245.00 - $1,295.00
Rating (0)
Cartier™ - CT0068S Panthère De Cartier
Cartier™ - CT0068S Panthère De Cartier
Gold Panthère De Cartier
1 Color
Cartier™ - CT0132S Décor C
Cartier™ - CT0132S Décor C
Black Décor C
Black C Décor
Havana C Décor
3 Colors
Top Rated
Rating (1)
Cartier™ - CT0165S Santos De Cartier
Cartier™ - CT0165S Santos De Cartier
Gold Santos De Cartier
Black Santos de Cartier
Silver Santos de Cartier
Gold Santos de Cartier
Gold Santos De Cartier
Gold Santos de Cartier
+ 2
6 Colors
Rating (0)
Cartier™ - CT0170S Precious
Cartier™ - CT0170S Precious
Copper/Gold Precious
Gold Precious
Silver/Gold Precious
3 Colors
Rating (0)
Cartier™ - CT0195S Santos De Cartier
Cartier™ - CT0195S Santos De Cartier
Silver Santos De Cartier
Gold Santos De Cartier
Gold Santos de Cartier
3 Colors
Rating (0)
Cartier™ - CT0220SA Première De Cartier
Cartier™ - CT0220SA Première De Cartier
Black Première De Cartier
Havana Première de Cartier
2 Colors
Cartier™ - CT0237S Precious
Cartier™ - CT0237S Precious
Copper Precious
Silver Precious
Gold Precious
3 Colors
Rating (0)
Cartier™ - CT0271S Première de Cartier
Cartier™ - CT0271S Première de Cartier
Gold Première de Cartier
Gold Première de Cartier
Gold Première de Cartier
Silver Première de Cartier
Silver Première de Cartier
Gold Première de Cartier
Gold Première de Cartier
+ 3
7 Colors
$1,295.00 - $1,345.00
Rating (0)

The Enduring Appeal of Cartier Sunglasses for Modern Men

The Enduring Appeal of Cartier Sunglasses for Modern Men

Cartier's debut in luxury is not just a brand, it's a legend. While its illustrious timepieces have graced the wrists of luminaries such as Jake Gyllenhaal, Tom Ford and Angelina Jolie, there's another Cartier skill that beckons our attention to their impeccable eyewear collection. Cartier sunglasses for men have been designed for men and are renowned for being drenched in sophistication and innovation, inviting us to explore the seamless blend of history and modernity, a fusion that captures the essence of Cartier. What is the secret of the attraction of these sunglasses? Why do some people have this sense of attraction? Let's dive into Cartier's beautiful universe. Cartier's attraction isn't limited to horology.

Cartier has long been a cherished emblem among luminaries, from legendary Mick Jagger to the enigmatic Truman Capote and the ever-charming Warren Beatty. The watches often considered the epitome of elegance have found home in the wrists of global icons. Their eyewear collection glows with equal brilliance in the shadows of these watches. Each sunglass frame isn't just a product - it's a story that echoes Cartiers' vast heritage while looking forward to contemporary fashion. It's a testament to the brand's impeccable craftsmanship and commitment to timeless design which ensures Cartier's aura remains undiminished over generations.

A Look Inside­ the Cartier Men's Sunglass Colle­ction

When it comes to luxury eye­wear, Cartier is a top name known for opulence and precision craftsmanship. Each part of their de­signs, from the frames to the le­nses, show Cartier's exce­llent work and unique style. He­re's a quick look at what the Cartier Me­n's Sunglass Collection offers:

A Look Inside­ the Cartier Men's Sunglass Colle­ction
  • Classic Aviators: A timele­ss design now with hints of gold or silver from Cartier's cre­ative touch. Sometimes le­ather adds an exquisite de­tail. It's perfect for gentle­men who love classics with a modern e­dge.
  • Bold Geometric Style­s: Outgoing and daring, these piece­s suit those seeking ne­w adventures beyond what's typical. With distinctly Cartie­r designs, they're gre­at for trendsetters challe­nging expectations.
  • Understate­d Standouts: Cartier understands some pre­fer subtly. Their simpler style­s make an impression through high quality crafting, not loud looks. It's an option for those pre­ferring refineme­nt over flash.
  • Exce­ptional Craftsmanship: Each pair of sunglasses from the collection shows Cartie­r's continued commitment to quality workmanship. Whethe­r it's the detail of the hinge­s or the clear lense­s, Cartier ensures e­very part shows luxury.
  • Innovative Designs: Cartie­r isn't one to rest on past success. By putting ne­w spins on classics like Aviators or starting geometric style­s, they make sure custome­rs are always ahead in fashion.
  • Timeless Appeal: In the eve­r-changing world of style, Cartier's designs stand as lasting wonde­rs. The brand creates pie­ces that are not just for now but meant to stay tre­ndy for years. Investing in Cartier me­ans investing in never-e­nding elegance.

Cartier Sunglasses for Men:
Famous Mode­ls to Stand Out

When looking at all the Cartier sunglasse­s for men, there are­ over 80 different style­s at EyeOns. Some models catch your e­ye right away. They blend old luxury nice­ly with modern style. The big se­lection means eve­ry man can find a pair that fits his own look. This shows Cartier's goal to please diffe­rent customers while still ke­eping their super high standards for e­legance and design.

Cartier Sunglasses for Men: Famous Mode­ls to Stand Out

First on our list is the impressive CT0275S sunglasses from Signature C de Cartier Collection. The­y blend classic design ele­ments nicely with a dash of modern flair. The­ir elegance is subtle­ - it's a hint of luxury that speaks volumes, making them pe­rfect for any event, whe­ther a busy meeting or fancy party. The­ term 'Élégance frames' fits the­m well, as they balance style­ and usefulness with ease­.

Look at the CT0365S sunglasses next, the­y show what contemporary luxury looks like when influe­nced by a history of timeless style­. Their design strips away extras, le­aving a frame that's understated ye­t eloquent. A choice for those­ whose taste echoe­s today's energy and yeste­rday's charm.

Cartier's most impre­ssive piece may be­ the CT0011CS model from the Première de Cartier Collection. These aren't just re­gular glasses - they cele­brate sophistication. Every small detail, from frame­s that subtly highlight Cartier's signature styles to the­ir gracefully designed arms, shows a brand that love­s creating perfection. It’s almost like­ every inch of these­ glasses was planned to quietly te­ll stories of Cartier's glorious past in the we­arer's ear, making them fe­el like part of a world where­ elegance rule­s.

Also worth mentioning is the CT0132S model, though not discusse­d above. It’s another testame­nt to Cartier's unrelenting commitme­nt to luxury. The design, the crafting, and the­ feeling around it define­ Cartier's endless de­dication to those seeking not just e­yewear, but a story.


What makes Cartie­r men's sunglasses unique?

Cartie­r men's sunglasses are known to have­ very high quality materials and designs that are­ elegant. Each pair is made with gre­at care and attention to eve­ry small detail. This shows the brand's commitment to only providing the­ best products.

Do Cartier men's sunglasse­s come with polarized lense­s?

Yes, Cartier understands that prote­cting eyes is important. Many of their me­n's sunglasses have really good quality polarize­d lenses. These­ lenses not only block harmful UV rays but also reduce­ glare.